Conversations with the Gospel of Luke
Entries of these Conversations are arranged by chapter and verse. The newest posts are highlighted blue, with the previous week's additions changed to red highlighting each week.
I offer these conversations with the hope that the record of my thoughts and prayers will stimulate readers to pursue their own encounters with Luke's Gospel.
This is not intended to be a scholarly commentary but nevertheless could perhaps be useful to scholars and preachers who are working to engage the text.

Choose the passage and click on it to go to that entry.
Luke 1:5-25, 57-59 Zechariah Waits in Silence
Luke 1:47-66 Waiting for Christmas
Luke 2:7 & 11-12 Jesus Goes Underground
Luke 2:21 Pain on the Eighth Day
Luke 3:1-2 Who Get's the Message?
Luke 3:15-20 John the Baptist Remains Faithful
Luke 3:21-22 Jesus Gets Down into the Water
Luke 3:23-38 A Long Line
Luke 4:14-21 Rejected in Nazareth
Luke 4:31-41 And Demons Came out of Many
Luke 7:1-10 The Amazing Centurion
Luke 7:11-13 His Heart Went out to Her
Luke 7:14:-17 Don’t Touch Him, He’s Dead!
Luke 7:18-23 Jesus, Are You Really the One?
Luke 7:36-50 A Loose Woman
Luke 7:40-50 Why Is She So Passionate & I Am Not?
Luke 8:1-3 Women and Jesus’ Finances
Luke 8:26-39 A Really Scary Man
Luke 9:7-9 Herod has a Headache
Luke 9:10-17 Too Many People
Luke 9:18-22 Jesus Wants to Know
Luke 9:23-27 Saving Your Life or Losing It
Luke 9:28-36 This is Too Far Out!
Luke 19:1-10 Zach Takes a Big Leap
Luke 19:11-27 The Absence of God
Luke 19:28-40 Jesus, You Must have Known
Luke 19:4 1- 44 Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem
Luke 20:1-8 What an Authority
Luke 20:9-19 The Wicked Tenants
Luke 20:27-40 Dead or Alive
Luke 20:45-47 Beware Those Who Want the Best Seats
Luke 21:29-33 What a Claim!
Luke 21:34-38 Jesus, Unafraid in Public
Luke 22:1-6 The Cowards Act at Night
Luke 22:7-13 Jesus Plans His Last Supper
Luke 22:14-16 Jesus, Eager to Celebrate
Luke 22:17-20 Those Unforgettable Words
Luke 28:38-40 His Scars and Ours